110 Jefferson Blvd. Suite E1 Warwick RI 02888 I Phone: 401-739-1223 I Fax: 401-739-2002
Physical Therapy in Warwick, Rhode Island
Welcome to Rebound Physical Therapy, located in Warwick, Rhode Island. We are committed to providing the most personalized, integrative, and skilled physical therapy services available. With sensitivity and compassion, we work with our patients to promote physical rehabilitation in a professional and caring environment. We take the time to get to know each of our patients and learn what is important to them, that way we can do our best in helping them heal, so they can get back to doing what they love. Our highly-trained therapists provide treatment that reduces pain and inflammation, increases range of motion, and improves posture, strength and body mechanics. We pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence, integrity and quality physical rehabilitation care through the variety of services our staff provides. With us, you will always be well cared for and receive the personalized attention you deserve.Your health is our highest priority. You'll get back to enjoying your life sooner with our advanced physical therapy treatments, flexible scheduling and consistent care. Come see us! Your body will thank you.
Recover Independence & Get Back The Life You Love
Manual Therapies & Modalities including Ultrasound, Electrical Stimulation and Thermal Agents to address pain and various soft-tissue injuries
Physical Therapists work in conjunction with each patient to develop a plan of treatment that promotes pain reduction and restores daily function
Personalized treatment by a Licensed Physical Therapist every visit
Therapists maintain communication with referring physicians
Flexible appointment times including early morning and evening hours. We do our best to try and see patients within 48-72 hours
All Major Insurances Accepted​​